
Showing posts from October, 2015


The honorable team jury and committee also all beloved participant of student office administration competition. Let me introduce myself, my name is siti ngudiyati participant number – good afternoon everybody, hope all of you still have good spirit to follow my presentation. In here, I would like to present my presentation with title ENGLISH TO ACHIEVE GLOBAL BUSINESS. In my presentation we will discuss about why english is important, then we will discuss about the importance english in business, and the last we will discuss about the benefits to have english skill. What’s your first mind if I say English? Did you mind that english is difficult? Did you mind that english is a most discouraging lesson? Actually is not. In fact, many benefits that we can take by study english. In here, especially for secretary. Imagine if a secretary is poor in english. How the company can improve their business? As we know that secretary is a company representation and person who build relati...

Surat Tagihan Pembayaran

JOGJA NATURE HANDICRAFT Inc. Jalan Parangtritis 56, Yogyakarta Telepon 0274-379446, Faksimile 0274-3794447                                                                                                                                                   ...


JOGJA NATURE HANDICRAFT Inc. Jalan Parangtritis 56, Yogyakarta Telepon 0274-379446, Faksimile 0274-3794447   7 November 2014 Your ref. : 705/AA/XI/14 Our ref.    : 203/KP/XI/2014 Mr. Louis Brugman The Purcashing Manager of Antique Art Inc. 201 Oak Street, Los Angeles USA Subject : Reply to complaint of late delivery and missing items Dear Sir, We have already received your letter of 5 November 2014 complaining about the late of delivery and missing items. Absolutely, we apologize for this inconvinience. These inconvinient condition are because some workers were sick and at the same time there were some orders. In this occasion, we would like the asure you that the 50 missing items will be completed to your company immediately. We apologize sincerely for the trouble caused to you, and we guarantee if this case will not happen again in the future. Yours sincerely, Adrian Setyo...


JOGJA NATURE HANDICRAFT Inc. Jalan Parangtritis 56, Yogyakarta Telepon 0274-379446, Faksimile 0274-3794447   AGENDA KERJA BAPAK ADRIAN SETYO NUGROHO, SE., MM. DIREKTUR JOGJA NATURE HANDICRAFT Inc. Hari Senin – Sabtu, Tanggal 17 – 22 November 2014 Hari/ Tanggal Waktu (WIB) Kegiatan Tempat Keterangan Senin, 17 November 2014 09.00-11.00 Menemui Ibu Intan Duta Buwani, SE., MBA, direktur Duta Kreasindo, kerja sama pengadaan media promosi online Duta Kreasindo Jalan Mawar 78, Timoho, Yogyakarta Beserta staff 13.00-16.00 Mengikuti pertemuan pengurus ASHEPI Kantor ASHEPI Timoho Regency Kav. A-3 Yogyakarta - Selasa, 18 November 2014 15.30-17.30 Menghadiri “Inacraft Lifestyle Expo” National Art Gallery Kuala Lumpur Malaysia ...